jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010


Differences that we have as native spanish speakers when we study the english past tense. Here you have some details to differ the simple past from the present perfect.

Time period

We use the time present perfect when the time period has not finished

I have seen three movies this week
(this week has not finished yet)

We use the simple past when the time period has finished

I saw three movies last week
(Last week is finished)


We use the present perfect when we give recent news (new information)

Martin has crashed his car again
(This is new information)

We use the simple past when we give old information
Martin crashed his car last year
(this is old information)

Specific and Unspecific time

We use the present perfect when the time is not specific (unspecific time)
I have seen that movie already
(we dont know when)

We use the simple past when the time is clear ( specific time)

We saw the movie on thursday
(We know exactly when.)

General Activities with FOR and SINCE

We use present perfect when the activity has not finished yet
I have live in Victoria for five years
(I still live in Victoria)

We use the simple past when the activity has already finished
I lived in Victoria for five years
(I don't live in Victoria now)


Time flies and we've already finished this level. You know what you are and what you need to improve your english, you all guys are good but do not forget what we learnt in class. THANKS MUCH A LOT. uuuuuuRRRR tEaChEr rOgER

tHOse arE sOmE PicS FroM OuR lAst cLasS

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


(mey bi - mait be)
El verbo modal "may" se utiliza para indicar que algo puede ser posible:

* En este caso vamos a formular Oraciones con may and might seguido de BE ( may be / might be). Ambos expresan intencidad de posibilidad.

He may be lost.
El puede estar perdido
( Es posible que este perdido)

You may find a good hotel.
Tú puedes encontrar un buen hotel
(Es posible que puedas encontrar un hotel)

She may want to come with you.
Ella puede querer venir contigo
"might be" prácticamente tiene el mismo significado, aunque "may be" indica un mayor grado de probabilidad:

He might be at home.
El podría estar en casa
( Es probable que pueda estar en casa)

He may be at home.
El puede estar en casa
( Es posible que pueda estar en casa)
* Decir que es posible es estar mas cerca a lo verdadero mientras que lo probable es menos posible. Ambos tienen un grado de intencidad distinto uno del otro. Podriamos decir que May be esta a un 80% y might be a un 50% de lo certero.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010



Solomon Kane is a fictional character created by the pulp-era writer Robert E. Howard. A 17th century Puritan, Solomon Kane is a somber-looking man who wanders the world with no apparent goal other than to vanquish evil in all its forms. His adventures, published mostly in the pulp magazine Weird Tales, often take him from Europe to the jungles of Africa and back.

Once a mercenary of Queen Elizabeth I fighting Spainards in Africa, He met the Devil's Reaper and discovered he was bound for hell! Barely escaping he soon renounced violence to atone for his past sins, seeking out redemption in a life of peace. That is until the followers of priest turned sorcerer Malachi kidnap a Purtian girl Meredith Crowthorn and brutally slaughter her family before his very own eyes (including butchering her beloved younger brother Edward who Solomon had befriended)! Forcing Solomon to take up arms and return to his violent ways once more to rescue her! In doing so means returning to his birthplace and facing his older brother Marcus who (in his youth) he accidentally left disfigured (and for dead), who now serves as merciless enforcer to Malachi.