martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

About the Quechua Language

Quechua ("qheshwa") is an indigenous language of the Andean region, spoken today by approximately 13 million people in Peru,Bolivia , Ecuador, Northern Chile, Argentina, and Southern Colombia. It was the official language of Tawantinsuyu, the Inca Empire.

Quechua is a perfectly regular language, which makes learning the basics quite easy. However, a large number of suffixes and infixes can be added to words to change both overall significance and subtle shades of meaning, which leads to a rare expressiveness. Above the beginning level, Quechua requires some vast changes of mind-set as learners try to master bipersonal conjugation, conjugation dependent on mental state and veracity of knowledge, spatial and temporal relationships, and numerous cultural factors.

Quechua Lessons
I teach Quechua lessons in Brisbane. When possible we form classes of a few people for a richer learning experience, though individual lessons are always available. Lessons are usually once a week; short-term intensive training can be arranged. Classes focus on Cuzco dialect. Some live instruction (at least one or two lessons) is essential to understandable pronunciation!

For details write to or call to: 0421902720

I am currently trying to put together a beginning group in Brisbane

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