martes, 26 de mayo de 2009


Spanish sometimes called Castilian (castellano) is a Romance language that originated in northern Spain, and gradually spread in the Kingdom of Castile and evolved into the principal language of government and trade. It was taken most notably to the Americas, and also to Africa and Asia Pacific with the expansion of the Spanish Empire between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Today, about 350 million people speak Spanish as a native language, making it the world's third most spoken language.
Mexico contains the largest population of Spanish speakers.
Spanish is growing increasingly popular as a second or third language in a number of countries due to logistical, economic, and touristic interest towards the many nations which chiefly use Spanish as the primary language. This phenomenon is most notable in Brazil, the United States, Italy, France, Portugal, and much of the
Anglosphere in general.

Meaning and inflection acording to subject - Significado y flexión de acuerdo al sujeto
In English, the verb to be means ser as well as estar, and this fact makes the things a little bit easier. The inflection of the verb to be in simple present tense, for different subject pronouns, is as indicated by the following chart:
En inglés, el verbo to be significa ser tanto como estar, y este hecho hace que las cosas sean un tanto más sencillas. La flexión del verbo to be en tiempo presente simple, para diferentes sujetos, es como se indica en la tabla siguiente:

I am (yo soy)I'mwe are (nosotros somos)we're
you are (tú eres)you'reyou are (ustedes son)you're
he is (él es)he'sthey are (ellos son)they're
she is (ella es)she's
it is (él/ella [cosa, animal, tiempo, clima] es)it's


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